Programs & groups that inspire fellowship and helps guide us in our walk with Christ.
Weekly Activities
At Family Worship Centre we are passionate about creating amazing programs which help you grow in faith as we journey together.

Young Adults Group
A great group for those that are of college or university age. We have lots of fun activities plus a weekly Bible study on Thursday evenings at 7 pm at FWC.
To Learn More Contact:

Single Adults Group
Are you single and looking to connect with other singles? This is the perfect group for you. There are lots of outings and fun activities for all.
To Learn More Contact:
Laurel McLaughlin
(647) 710-9684

Youth Group
Join with other youth for an evening of fun and fellowship.
To Learn More Contact:
Brittany @ (647) 518-0260
​Instagram - @fwc_youthmin
​​​Location: Family Worship Centre
Day: Sunday
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Face to Face Encounters Healing Ministry
Prayer for physical, spiritual, emotional and financial Healing. ​
Location: Face to Face Encounters Healing Ministry
Days: Tuesday & Friday
Times: 7PM to 9PM

This is an informal gathering for men of all ages. Encourage, share, study the Word and pray with one another!​
Location changes each week where the host cooks a meal for the group coming for that night.
Please contact Jack at 647 839-4289 if you are interested in going.
​Location: Changes each week
Days: Tuesday evening
Times: 7PM

Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies with Pastor Jim
Encourage one another with a time of fellowship & prayer.
10 am - Exploring God's word together by studying and discussing different topics each week.
7 pm - Studying "Developing an Effectual Prayer Life.
Location: Family Worship Centre
Day: Wednesday
Times: 10AM & 7PM

Weekly Home Group Fellowship Studies
Join together with others to study the Bible.
Location: Pastor Boyd's House
Day: Wednesday
Time: 7PM
- Studying "30 Llife Principles".
Location: Rob & Carol's home
Day: Saturday
Time: 7 pm
- The book of Luke is being studied.

Weekly FWC
Bible Study
Exploring God's Word and the study of His scriptures.
Currently studying the book of Revelation.
- Coffee & refreshment at 6:30 pm
Location: Family Worship Centre
Day: Thursday
Time: 7 pm

Studying God's Word together and learn what God is saying about End-Times Revelation.
Location: Face to Face Encounters Healing Ministry
Day: Thursday
Time: 7PM

Join with others for an evening of prayer and intercession.
The last Sunday of the month will be devoted to seeking God's presence to hear what He wants to say us rather than us coming with our "shopping list".
Location: Family Worship Centre
Day: Sunday
Time: 6:30 PM

Alcoholic's Anonymous
A.A. has been helping alcoholics recover for more than 80 years. A.A.'s program of recovery is built on the simple foundation of one alcoholic sharing with another.
Location: Family Worship Centre
Day: Saturday
Time: Noon

FWC Serenity Bible Study
This Bible study is to help people to recover from addictive and complusive behaviour by using 12 steps founded on Biblical principles.
Location: Family Worship Centre
Day: Thursday
Time: 7 pm
Sign-Up @ FWC
Get connected, get involved and get help! It's as easy as filling out one of the following forms.

Get Connected!
New to FWC? Let us get to know you better and we will keep you in touch with the latest happenings at FWC.

FWC Community Garden
Have a green thumb? We need your help. Become a FWC Community Garden Volunteer.

Prayer Request
Do you have a special prayer request? Tell us about it and we will share it with our prayer team.

Christian Mentoring
Do you need Christian mentoring? We are here to help. Sign up and we will be happy to meet with you.

Get Baptized
Thinking of getting baptized? Let us know by completing the form below so we can guide you through the process.